Saturday, November 21, 2009

Swine Flu Remedies

Vitamin C rich fruits:
Vitamin C rich fruits such as orange, sweet lime, strawberries, lemon etc. are extremely effective in treating and keeping cold and cough away. The high vitamin C in these fruits increases the body's resistance to virus and decreases the duration of the illness. An easy way to enhance your intake of vitamin C is to squeeze a lemon in a glass of warm water, sweeten it with a teaspoon of honey and drink it twice daily for at least 3 days.

Ginger (adrak): 
Cut about 10 grams of ginger into small pieces and boil in a cup of water. Strain, add a teaspoon of sugar and drink it when hot. Alternatively, ginger tea is also an effective remedy against cold. 

Garlic (lehsun):  
Garlic is a real immunity booster. Finely chop 2 to 3 cloves of garlic and swallow it like any other medicine. It can also be used raw into salad dressings. Crushing a clove of garlic into soups, stews etc. is also effective and greatly enhances their flavour. 

Turmeric powder (haldi):
The active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, helps our cells stay more resistant to infection and malignancy by altering the nature of cell membranes, and studies have shown that curcumin has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, as well. This yellow spice is great cooked with rice, tossed and roasted with veggies or whipped up with eggs.

Tulsi (Indian basil): 
A mixture of few leaves of tulsi combined with one teaspoon of ginger juice and ¼ teaspoon of honey helps to ease cough. 

Black tea (with lemon): 
Black Tea can neutralize germs, including some that cause diarrhea, pneumonia, cystitis and skin infections, and now new research finds that black and green tea deactivates viruses, like herpes. Adding lemon heightens the natural antioxidant activity in black tea. Hot tea is best for cold and flu but if you prefer iced, you’ll still reap the benefits.

This common herb can protect against the common cold, influenza, fevers and indigestion, and research has shown that oregano is one of the herbs with the most significant immune boosting powers, with powerful antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal properties as well. 

Indian Spices -cumin seeds, coriander seeds, ground turmeric, mustard seeds, and ground red chili. 
Together they boost the body’s immunity and chili has been associated with everything from pain relief, reduced congestion, and stomach ulcer prevention to weight loss and increased cardiovascular health.

Seeds (Pumpkin seeds & Flax seeds): 
They contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, D, E, niacin, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus; magnesium and copper that help improve the immunity. It can be sprinkled on breakfast cereals, chapattis, salads, vegetables or a pulse preparation, sandwich spread.

General Advice:
• Drink lots of hot fluids-Cold viruses grow and multiply fast when the temperature around them is around 90°F. However, they are far less comfortable- and less likely to replicate so quickly-when their environment heats up. Drink some hot fluids. This will warm your throat. That should impair viral replication. As a bonus, hot fluids have a mild decongestant effect, which helps relieve nasal stuffiness. Taking herbal drink such as ginger tea is doubly helpful because of their heating effect as well as the antiviral effect.
• Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables as they abound in nutrients which strengthen the immune system. Try not to cook the vegetables for a longer period as it results in loss of volatile nutrients like vitamins B and C.
• Avoid smoking as it aggravates the throat and interferes with the infection-fighting activity of the cells.
• Drink plenty of fluids (water, vegetable soups and coconut water) 

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